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Adobe® Photoshop® CS4software provides improved access to its unrivaled power through a moreintuitive user experience, greater editing freedom, and significantproductivity enhancements.
Adobe's new Photoshop CS4 packs aton of fresh features and an updated interface, which alone make it aworthy upgrade for existing users.
Of course, the addedunder-the-hood elements aren't the only updates in Photoshop CS4. Themost gee-whiz update is the new context-sensitive scaling, which allowsyou to resize pictures while retaining foreground objects' scale.Usually when you rescale an image, all elements in the image resizeproportionally--and in the process, some elements warp or squash whenthey shouldn't. In the example I've provided (see the images in thegallery above), resizing with the traditional method would have madethe people in the foreground unrealistically skinny; with context-awarescaling, the vinyl character in the back shrank, but the peopleremained the same size. The feature doesn't always work perfectly--Ifound that expanding the canvas size caused tiling of the backgroundelements--but it's still an awesome tool to have.
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