
Bill Gates: Windows 7 May Ship Next Year

lawrence1988 发表于 9-4-2008 19:13:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Saturday, April  5 2008


Bill Gates: Windows 7 May Ship Next Year               
MicrosoftChairman Bill Gates said on Friday that Windows 7, the next majorversion of Windows, could come within the next year, far ahead of thedevelopment schedule indicated by the software maker. In response to aquestion about Windows Vista, Gates, speaking before the Inter-AmericanDevelopment Bank, said: "Sometime in the next year or so we will have anew version." Referring to Blackcomb or Windows 7, the code names forthe next full release of Windows client software, Gates said: "I'msuper-enthused about what it will do in lots of ways." Previously itwas generally believed that Windows 7 OS would ship sometime in year2010. The current version of Windows, known as Vista, shipped inJanuary 2007. Microsoft's Windows XP is still widely available though,with no plans to be stopped until Windows 7 is released, Microsoft alsoannounced yesterday.

Source: CNET News
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