《A级状元》儿少生命营 “ A Class Scholar” Child and Teen Life Enrichment Camp
本帖最后由 AZon2010 于 13-5-2010 19:47 编辑令人期待的六月学校假期又快到了!您是否已经为孩子安排了一个充满意义且具有挑战性的快乐假期?趁着这个季节,我们打算为孩子们进行思想上及体力上 的一个挑战。让孩子在感受大学环境里的博大情怀的当儿,我们更要激发孩子对读书的乐趣及当个快乐读书人,设立一个明确的学习目标, 朝目标前进。 同时,通过一些生活的常识和技巧,培养孩子拥有独立与自信的勇气,学习如何面对人生剧场的挑战。 这一次,我们也让孩子通过电影及剧场来树立正确的价值观, 认识性知识。 此外, 我们也准备一些列的挑战活动如:kayaking, flying fox 和 abseiling挑战孩子的勇气,在孩子在进行活动的当儿, 团队精神与人际沟通的能力当然不可少。当然,入宝山不能空手而归,我们也设立智力挑战闯关 的方式,让孩子们一探马来亚大学的宝藏――马大图书馆、博物馆和植物园, 让孩子们带着心灵的宝藏一起满载而归。智勇双全、能文能武是我们孩子A级状元 的梦想,这个六月,我们期待与您有约!
The June school holiday is just around the corner! Have you already arranged a meaningful and challenging holiday program for your kids?In this special season, we are planning to challenge your kids mentally and physically. In such a great university environment, we hope to boost up your kids’ energy to become a happy learner and set up a clear goal throughout the whole learning process. In the skills training session, we would like them to be independent and confident in facing all the challenges and problem solving. The activities which exclusively brought to you are Kayaking, Flying fox and Abseiling. Are you kids willing to take up the challenges? This time, we also prepare the study of the movie session to build up the right attitude and concept toward the sex education.Nevertheless, teamwork is always the important part to achieve the success of the goal. We set up the obstacles games awaiting them while they are seeking the treasure of the university and also the treasure in their heart. We have a date with you in this June!
授课方式:互动讲课、影片分享、游戏活动 、歌曲分享、课程交流、户外活动
活动地点 :马来亚大学第一宿舍 (First College)
活动日期 :14/06/10 (星期一)至16/06/10 (星期三) (三天两夜)
活动时间 :9.00am 入营
5.00pm 离营
对象 :第一组:7-9岁
参加费用 :(包括资料袋、住宿、膳食、证书、 保险、活动、行政费及奖品等。)
A Zon会员 RM450
非会员 RM 490
报名截止 :08/06/10 ( 星期二)
媒介语 : 华语
报名地点: 14-1, Jalan USJ 1/1C, Regalia Business Center, 47620 Subang Jaya。
办公室 03 – 80248305/8605
手机号码 012-3818849
传真 03 -80248425
电邮 info@azonhurray.com.my 或azonhurray@yahoo.com
网站 www.azonhurray.com.my