Yves_yew 发表于 17-10-2008 10:48:20

F*ck the postman

f*xk the postman

After 25 years of service the postman was about to retire.In his last day he went to same routine as he did for 25 years.

When he arrived the first house people gave him fishing gear and wished him happy retirement.

When he arrived the second house people gave him camping gear and wished him happy retirement.

When he arrived the third house a blond lady opened the door and invited him in. They went to upstairs and had sex for two hours. Then she cooked him breakfast and handed him a dollar.

The postman was surprised , he asked: "I had the greatest sex which I hadn't for years,breakfast was nice but what's up with the dollar?"

The blond lady answered: "Last night I was talking to my husband, I told him that today was your last day, what should we do?"
Well my husband said:" F*ck the postman! Just give him a dollar"
"Well" she added "'the breakfast was my idea!^_^ "

Yves_yew 发表于 17-10-2008 10:48:42

我喜欢这个笑话 :yct38

Yves_yew 发表于 17-10-2008 14:11:41


Yves_yew 发表于 17-10-2008 20:37:27


话说在美国某小镇上 有一位老邮差要退休了....镇上每户人家知道此事后,纷纷在老邮差最后一次送信时 送给他一分精致的退休礼物,老邮差就这麽沿着旧径离情依依地送着信,满心温情地收下礼物,送到史密斯家时,史密斯夫人热情地招呼他入内,呈上一杯香浓的咖啡后,请老邮差在楼下稍带一会儿,她也有一份特别的礼物要送给老邮差,五分钟后,夫人一袭性感薄纱站在二楼楼梯口,轻声换老邮差上楼来,老邮差心这也是人家一番厚意,总是不能推却...唉,拼了老命也不能辜负人家...于是两人便乌云风雨一番,礼物收完之后,老邮差向夫人答谢,正要转身离去时,夫人喊道,「等一下,我还要给你十元呢.」这时老邮差不得不纳闷, 怎麽有这麽好的事呢,便问夫人,「难道史密斯先生不会介意?」




他就说 『Damn! That old Fool! f*xk him!Mmmm... Give him ten dollars!』
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