Persephone 发表于 19-3-2008 18:09:48




"God Eat God"

Dear god do want to tear your knuckle down

and hold yourself?

Dear god do you want to climb that tree

meat in the shape of a "T"

Dear god the paper says you were the king

in dark limousine....

Before the knives...Before the flies...

Before authorities take out my eyes...

The only smiling are you dolls that I made...

But you|"re plastic, so are your brain...

Dear god the sky is as blue

as a gunshot wound

Dear god if you were alive

you know we|"d KILL YOU!   

Before the knives...Before the flies...

Before authorities take out my eyes...

The only smiling are you dolls that I made...

But you|"re plastic, so are your brain...






要行此咒的话,您必须要先找一条约九至十英吋/长的细绳或纱线。在您朗诵下面的咒文的同时,您将要绑三个分开约两吋的结在这条绳子上。 当此之前您要不停地想象著您将会带给您仇敌的不安和混乱,在念咒和打结子的时候也要这样做,这样的话咒语便会更灵验呢!

With this knot I seal(封印) this hex(咒语)

you will not sleep, you will not rest

Knots of anger, knots of hate

Discord(不调和、不安)brings you to your fate

I tie this second knot makes two

Bringing darkness over you

Slander(诽谤、谣言), discord, evil too

Bringing darkness straight to you

With this third knot, I do bind

Weaving(编织)chaos(混乱)in your mind

Hex of anger, hex of hate

Bring him down, I will not wait"

So mote it be!


chowms 发表于 19-3-2008 20:38:41

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